A R H Empl Cu Address
3805 Cumberland Avenue
Middlesboro, KY 40965
A R H Empl Cu Phone Number

A R H Empl Cu of Kentucky - Routing Number

242176187 The routing number for A R H Empl Cu in Kentucky is used on A R H Empl Cu checks and for direct deposits and wire transfers.

A R H Empl Cu is a banking institution located in Middlesboro, KY. The routing number for A R H Empl Cu is 242176187.

How to use the A R H Empl Cu Routing Number

Routing number on sample check

A R H Empl Cu's routing number is the eight or nine-digit number found on the bottom left hand side of A R H Empl Cu checks, next to your checking account number and check number.

In the sample check on the left, the routing number is circled in red. Your checks may have a slightly different layout.

Your routing number is used like a bank's address, to ensure that financial transactions (like checks and direct deposits) get sent to the correct banking institution. You will need to know the A R H Empl Cu Routing Number when setting up direct deposit with your employer, receiving direct-deposit benefits or tax refunds from the U.S. Government, or requesting a direct bank wire payment to your bank account.

Unlike your A R H Empl Cu Bank Account Number, the A R H Empl Cu Routing Number is the same for all A R H Empl Cu accounts. If you have both your checking and savings accounts with A R H Empl Cu, for example, they will both use the same routing number, 242176187.